Third quarter ends this Wednesday.  If you still have any outstanding assignment/quiz/test, speak to Wulaoshi by end of Monday!

星期一, 3/26 P8: class does not meet.  (you have vocab quiz tomorrow, and a recording due too)
                    P7: you have vocab quiz tomorrow, and a recording due tomorrow as well.

星期二, 3/27 Copy and memorize L6_1 new vocab (recognition: 時間,問題, 開會 writing:節,課,年級,考試)
                    recognition quiz tomorrow, writing quiz Friday.
                    Preview L6 dialogue 1 (pg 150 - 151).  Read the first 14 lines of the dialogue.  You will be
                    asked to recite the dialogue tomorrow in class.
                    P7: remember to bring food for tomorrow's party!

星期三, 3/28 Review L6_1 new vocab.  Writing quiz Friday.
                    Re-read the dialogue. 
                    Make 6 sentences using L6_1 new vocab.  3 of the 6 sentences will have at least 8 words.
                    P8: remember to bring food for tomorrow's party.

星期四, 3/29 Make 6 more sentences.  3 of the 6 sentences will have at least 8 words.
                    Writing quiz tomorrow.

星期五, 3/30 Copy and memorize new vocab (以後,空,要是,到,行,等,別客氣。recognition:方便,辦公室)
                    Recognition quiz Monday, writing quiz Tuesday.
                    Read dialogue 1 several times.  Record the dialogue (go to "speaking Assignment" on this blog)

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