Review Lesson 2 (vocabulary, then read both dialogues, also read textbook pg 53-59)
Make 10 sentences using the following words: 都,几,家,也,和,英文,中文,学生,做,医生。must show best effort.  Write characters.  Due tomorrow.

Review L2_2, read textbook pg 53-59, finish blue sheet
Do workbook pg 39-40 (IV B.C.D1&D2)

P5 Drop
P5 & P7 Do workbook pg 41 (whole page)

 P5 & P7: do workbook pg 42, also see "speaking assignment" section on this website to do a recording
Unit test next Tuesday

P7 Drop
P5 & P7 see "speaking assignment" section on this website to do a recording

Review L2_2 vocabulary.  Copy and memorize the following new words from L2_2: 都,大学生,医生。Vocab quiz Wednesday. (writing)
Read L2_2 dialogue several times. (textbook pg 50 - 51)
Do workbook pg 37-38 (II. A B, III A), must write down your answer for speaking exercises.

Review L2_2 (vocab & dialogue), vocab quiz tomorrow.
Do workbook pg 38-39 (III. B. C, IV A) 

Review what you've learned so far (L2), no writing assignment.  Have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

Thanksgiving holiday.  No school.

Thanksgiving holiday.  No school.
Review radicals learned last week, quiz Thursday.  Memorize only the following: 山,足,鳥,疒、衣、犬、目、刀、 宀、禾、马、贝、车、示、食、酉、
Study L2 part 2 new vocab (家,几,口,两,和), memorize

Study L2 part 2 new vocab (做,工作,英文,大学生,都,律师,医生), memorize
Read dialogue 2_2 several times (textbook pg 50 - 51)
P7: you have vocab quiz tomorrow on the new words, recognition by sound only)

P5 drop
P5 & P7: quiz on radicals tomorrow.

Copy and memorize new vocab (家,几,口,两,和,做,工作,英文,中文 on writing grid)
Recording: record L2_2 dialogue.  due next Mon.
P5 & P7: you have vocab quiz next week on the following new words (writing): 家,几,口,两,和,做,工作,英文,中文

P7 drop
P5 & P7: Recording.  vocab quiz (writing) next TuesdayP5 & P7: you have vocab quiz next week on the following new words (writing): 家,几,口,两,和,做,工作,英文,中文

Welcome back.  I hope you and your family have been safe this past week.
As most of us are still recovering from Sandy,  I will be posting assignment day by day this week.  If you have any problem completing any assignment, please don't hesitate to let me know.    Wulaoshi

P5: revise the translation assignment.  Due tomorrow.
(if you haven't handed in the workbook, character sheet, and pattern sheet, please do so by Wed)
Unit Test Wednesday (lesson 2_1, include stroke order)

P5 & P7: unit test tomorrow.  Study & review.  No other assignments.
(if you still need to make up quarter 1 work, please do so as soon as you can, by Thursday the latest.  Or speak with me tomorrow.)

Find your "radicals" handout and bring it to school tomorrow
Copy and memorize L1 & L2_1 recognition words, they are now writing words (孩子,儿子,女儿,老师)

Do "radicals" project.  Choose 10-12 radicals. for each radical, write the contemporary form (and the ancient form if you have it) , and draw (or download) a picture relevant to the radical.  Due Monday

Continue the radicals project.  Due Monday.