Finish L20_2 workbook exercises (page 221 - 223 IV E.G)
Study for final

星期二, 6/11
Study for final
Please hand in your textbook on exam day.

Class does not meet.  Good luck with your final

Exam P7, P8

Mandarin 3 Final Exam (Reading, Writing, Listening)

Final Exam Study Guide: Link
Honors: Final writing (narrative for chapter 8) due Friday 6/7.  I will not accept your writing after 6/7.   If you have questions please see me by end of Wednesday 6/5 to go over your writing.

All makeup work must be done by end of this Friday.

See final exam info above
Review L20_1.  Do workbook pg 209- 212 (IV C.D.E)
I will collect your workbook tomorrow. 

Study L20_2 vocab.  Quiz Tomorrow.  (all recognition)

星期三, 6/5
Review L20_2 dialogue.
Do workbook pg 214 - 215 (II A, III A)
Study for Final exam speaking.

Do workbook pg 215 - 218 III B.C.D, IV A)
Honors writing due tomorrow.  (will not accept after due date)

Do workbook pg 218 - 220 (IV B.C.D)

Memorial Day.  

Study L20_1 vocab (# 8 - #13, all recognition).
Read L20_1 dialogue (textbook pg 286 - 287), be sure that you know the meaning of the dialogue.
Honors: please hand in your sentences & exercises on Friday 5/31, final narrative writing on 6/7.

Review textbook (L20_1 dialogue, grammar pg 291 - 294).
Do workbook pg 204 - 206 (II A. III A.B)

Class does not meet today.

Review language practice (textbook pg 295 - 297)
Final Exam Study Guide, Final Exam Speaking 
Do workbook pg 206 - 209 ( III C.D, IV A. B)

Review textbook pg 278 - 279. (patterns and language practice)
Do workbook pg 194 - 196 (III D, IV A.B)
Unit test (L19_2) Friday 5/24

Review textbook pg 279 - 280
Do workbook pg 197 - 198 (IV C.D)
L20 Speaking questions.  (speaking section of the unit test will be done next week)

Do workbook pg 199 - 200
Finish lab assignment (if you haven't). 
Lab assignment: 
1. look at yesterday's "speaking questions".  Find the answers to the questions.  Record both questions and answers using the recording box.
2. organize the questions and study them.  now speak from memory (without looking at the paper) and record again.

星期四, 5/23
Do workbook pg 202
Review L19_2, unit test tomorrow.  Please hand in your workbook and patterns

Study L20_1 vocab (#1 - 7, recognition - sound and image - quiz next Tuesday.

Memorize your skit, perform in class tomorrow.
Honors: translation due Thursday (go over questions on Wednesday)

Mandarin 3 students: make 10 sentences using L19_2 new vocabulary.  Must use complex structure for at least 5 sentences.
Honors: finish translation.

Review patterns (textbook pg 272 - 275), fill out pattern sheet.
Do workbook pg 189 - 190 (II A, III A)
Honors: translation due tomorrow.

Review textbook pg 176 - 180.
Do workbook pg 191 - 193 (III B.C)

Class does not meet today.

Do workbook pg 187 (IV F)
Unit test (L19_1) Wednesday.  (no speaking.  this will be a short test, concentrating on patterns)
I will collect your workbook/pattern sheet on Wednesday.
Honors narrative Wednesday.  (Keep in mind the most important in writing narrative.)

Class does not meet today.

Study L19_2 vocab (#1-7, quiz tomorrow.

Study L19_2 vocab (#8-14, quiz tomorrow.)
Honors: start reading the next chapter.  Translation due next Thursday (go over questions next Wednesday)

Study L19_2 vocab (#15-19, quiz Monday.)
Continue working on your skit.  (due Tuesday.  to be performed in class. Will be graded. 15 - 20 sentences, include 4 of the following patterns: 不得了,当,有的。有的,对。有兴趣,千,比)
Honors: keep track of what you need to do.
Sentences due Monday (Mandarin 3: sentences from L19_1 vocab.  3H: from honors reading)
Honors: English draft for narrative is due this Friday.  (keep in mind what you can write in Chinese when you draft in English)

Review L18 speaking (go to "audio file" in this website to listen to the questions.  Keep in mind the test tomorrow is not limited to those questions)
Honors: narrative writing next Wednesday (you may come in to show me your draft up till next Monday)

Review L19_1 dialogue.
Do workbook pg 180 - 181 (II A, III A)

Review textbook pg 262 - 266 (patterns and language practice)
Do workbook pg 181 - 183 (III B.C)

Do workbook pg 183 - 185 (III D., IV A.B.C)

Do workbook pg 186 - 187 (IV D.E)
Unit text (L19_1 next Wednesday)
Honors narrative due next Wednesday

L18 speaking test next week.  (start preparing for it this week, practice several times)
Study L19_1 vocab #1 - #7, quiz tomorrow.
Honors translation due Wednesday.  We will go over your questions tomorrow in class (sentences & exercise due next Monday)

Study L19_1 vocab #8 - 16. quiz tomorrow.

Study L19_1 vocab #17 - 22. quiz Friday.

Class does not meet.

Read L19_1 dialogue several times.
Regular: make 10 sentences using L19_1 vocab. (each sentences should tell a complete story using complex structure)
Honors sentences and exercise due next Monday.
Class does not meet today.

Honors new assignment: Read next chapter.  Translation due Tuesday 4/23 (we will go over your questions on Mon 4/22)
All students: do workbook pg 176 - 177 (for page 177: regular section students write a dialogue of 8+ sentences.  Honors students will write a narrative of 10+ sentences).  I will check your homework tomorrow.
Unit test Friday (speaking will be done after spring break)

Finish lab assignment (if you haven't finished in lab), due Friday (e-mail me your finished product)
Lab assignment: for each of the following topic, write two sentences and create one photo - simple time when, duration, duration of non-action,  把,被,着。

Review L18.

Review L18.  Unit test tomorrow.  Please hand in patterns and workbook
Finish lab assignment (if you haven't finished in lab), due Friday (e-mail me your finished product)
Lab assignment: for each of the following topic, write two sentences and create one photo - simple time when, duration, duration of non-action,  把,被,着。


春假愉快! Have a wonderful spring break!
N0 School for students!
Recording assignment and translation (time) due tomorrow for 3 and 3H, Honors composition due tomorrow.

Review patterns (textbook pg 243 - 244, 245 - 249)
Do workbook pg 167 - 169 (II A, III A.B)

Review patterns (textbook pg 243 - 244, 245 - 249)
Do workbook pg 169 - 170 (III C.D.E)

Do workbook pg 171 - 172 (IV A.B.C)

Review L18 part 2.
Do workbook pg 173 - 175 (IV D.E.F)