星期一, 4/30 Do workbook pg 125 - 126 (IV A.B)
                    L20 unit test Friday 5/4
                    Honors: writing & questions due Wednesday 5/2
星期二,5/1 Review patterns, do workbook pg 126 - 127 (IV C, D 1 - 4)

星期三, 5/2 Do workbook pg 127 - 128 (IV D. 5 - 11)
                  Fill in blue pattern sheet

星期四, 5/3 Do workbook pg 128 (writing practice.  12 sentences)
                   Unit test tomorrow.  Please hand in workbook, patterns, character practice)
                   Speaking practice

星期五, 5/4 Copy and memorize OL21_1 new vocab (#1 - #10, recognition: 6, 7)
                   Vocab quiz next Monday

Honors: sentences and quiz this Thursday.
            writing (composition & questions) due next Wednesday 5/2
            (composition: imagine the encounter when Liang Shan Bo went to Zhu Ying Tai's house to
            propose marriage? Write a dialogue in which Liang discovered that Zhu is a girl, that Zhu doesn't have
            a little sister, and he was rejected by Zhu's parents because he was poor.  approximately 25 sentences.)
星期一,4/23 L20 part 2 new vocab (#15 - 21, all writing) quiz tomorrow
                   Review patterns (txt pg 222 - 224 #5, #6)

星期二, 4/24 L20 part 2 new vocab (#22 - 27, 26 -27 recognition only), quiz tomorrow

星期三,4/25  Use L20 part 2 vocab to make 10 sentences.  At least 5 are compound sentences. (each sentence
                    is a miniature narrative, it tells a story)
                    Honors: sentences due tomorrow, quiz too.

星期四, 4/26 Read L20 part 2 dialogue
                    Do workbook pg 123 - 125 (II A, B, C)

星期五,4/27 Class does not meet.

星期一, 4/9   No School.

星期二, 4/10 Class does not meet.   We will go over Honors translation tomorrow in class.

星期三, 4/11 Review lesson 20 part 1 (sports).
                    Hand in character, patterns, and workbook tomorrow. 
                    Honors: translation due tomorrow.

星期四, 4/12 Study L20_2 vocab (#1 - 7), Quiz tomorrow.

星期五, 4/13 Study L20_2 Vocab (#8 - 14), Quiz Monday, 4/23.
                     Have a wonderful spring break.

Honors: new assignment packet.  First assignment due Thursday, 4/12.

星期一, 4/2 Speaking test (for L18) - take home test.  Due Thursday 7:40AM.  No makeup allowed.
                   (Go to "speaking assignment" on this website)
                   Do workbook pg 119 - 120 (III A, Reading comprehension)

星期二, 4/3 Review patterns (textbook pg 219-221)
                   Do workbook pg 120 - 121 (IV A.B)

星期三, 4/4 Do workbook pg 121 - 122 (IV C)
                   Take-home Speaking due tomorrow before school.

星期四, 4/5 Do workbook pg 122  (IV D + writing practice)
                  Unit Test (L20_2 next Thursday)
                  Honors you have assignment due next Wed/Thursday.

星期五, 4/6 Good Friday.  No School!