Honors: sentences and quiz this Thursday.
            writing (composition & questions) due next Wednesday 5/2
            (composition: imagine the encounter when Liang Shan Bo went to Zhu Ying Tai's house to
            propose marriage? Write a dialogue in which Liang discovered that Zhu is a girl, that Zhu doesn't have
            a little sister, and he was rejected by Zhu's parents because he was poor.  approximately 25 sentences.)
星期一,4/23 L20 part 2 new vocab (#15 - 21, all writing) quiz tomorrow
                   Review patterns (txt pg 222 - 224 #5, #6)

星期二, 4/24 L20 part 2 new vocab (#22 - 27, 26 -27 recognition only), quiz tomorrow

星期三,4/25  Use L20 part 2 vocab to make 10 sentences.  At least 5 are compound sentences. (each sentence
                    is a miniature narrative, it tells a story)
                    Honors: sentences due tomorrow, quiz too.

星期四, 4/26 Read L20 part 2 dialogue
                    Do workbook pg 123 - 125 (II A, B, C)

星期五,4/27 Class does not meet.

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