星期一 12/5  Review Lesson 3 part 1 grammar (textbook pg 70 - 82).  Finish blue pattern sheet.
                   Do workbook pg 48 - 49 IIV C, D, E1 - 4)
                   Don't forget to review vocabulary you've learned so far.  (practice writing everyday)

星期二 12/6 Do workbook pg 49 - 50.  Unit test (L3_1) Friday. 
                  (practice speaking everyday: greetings, introduce yourself, your family, dates and time)

星期三 12/7 Finish lab work, due Thursday.
                  Copy and memorize new vocabulary (今天,明天,明年,同學,朋友,)

星期四 12/8 Study for unit test tomorrow (L3 part 1, include speaking).  Hand in character, pattern, and workbook.
                  Copy and memorize new vocab (為什麼,因為,現在)

星期五 12/9 Memorize L3 part 2 new vocabulary.  Vocab quiz Monday. (be sure to quiz yourself often)

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