星期一, 9/3  放假,不上課。

星期二, 9/4  Review L21.  Quiz tomorrow.

星期三, 9/5  Review, write, memorize L1 vocab.  (Use vocabulary in context when you review).  Quiz (recognition)
                    Honors credit: your first assignment is due next Monday.

星期四, 9/6  Review, write, memorize L1 vocab.  (Use vocabulary in context when you review).  Quiz (recognition)
                    Make 12 sentences using L1 new vocab.  At least half of the sentences should be compound
                    sentences (that is, the sentences should tell a story).  You will hand-write (no typing) the sentences.
                    Due Monday.
                    Honors assignment is distributed today.  Start working on the assignment.

星期五, 9/7  Review, write, memorize L1 vocab.  (Use vocabulary in context when you review).  Quiz (recognition
                    & writing) Monday.
                    Sentences due Monday.  Honors work: follow schedule on honors packet

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