Honors Assignment Download Here. PDF File Download (there are minor changes, please read immediately)
1. Study L18 part 2 vocab.  Quiz (all writing, #1 - #10) Monday.
2. Translate the following article into English.  Due Monday.
(From Yahoo.cn online forum) 中國人最喜歡什麼運動?

雖然中國人愛籃球和足球,但是打得不好。因為中國人喜歡出風頭(chūfēngtóu:enjoy the limelight),所以一般的(yìbānde:in general)團體(tuántǐ:group)運動都不太好。再說中國人在體力(tǐlì:physical strength)上不及(bùjí:not compatible with)西方人,所以中國人比較喜歡玩技巧性(jìqiǎoxìng:skillful)的運動。單(dān: single)對單的運動像乒乓球,羽毛球(yǔmáoqiú: Badminton),游泳,體操就很好。


1. Speaking Test.  Go to Speaking Assignment and find the top one.  Speak clearly.

明天考試 (第十八課, part 1)
Hand in your workbook and pattern sheet (blue)
複習第十八課(運動)。 Be sure to review vocabulary, patterns, text, and patterns.  Go over your workbook questions.
Honors students will have additional questions related to your last honors assignment.
There will be a speaking (take home) section in your test that you will do over the holiday.
1. do simplified/traditional worksheet lesson 10 - lesson 12 (be sure to practice writing some of the words and make sentences for them, especially the ones that have very different appearances)
2. do workbook page 122 (writing) 15 - 20 sentences.  You will also indicate why you like/dislike certain sports in your composition
3. 下星期三考试
1. Do simplified/traditional worksheet, finish lesson 9.  Pay special attention to words that have very different form.
2. do workbook page 122.
3. Review Lesson 18 (sport) dialogue 1.
1. Workbook page 120-122
2. Simplified worksheet Lesson 4 - Lesson 6.  (Be sure to practice writing those words that are dramatically different in simplified form.  Make an effort to memorize those words and start using them)
3. 下個星期三 Unit test (L18 part 1)
1. Review Lesson 18 (sports) part 1 dialogue and patterns.
2. do workbook page 119 - 120 (reading comprehension).  Note in your old workbook, sports is lesson 20.
3. Finish blue handout (patterns 1 - 3)
4. Finish simplified/traditional worksheet (green) up to lesson 4.  Be sure to practice on the ones you don't know.

  • Honors students: keep in mind your schedule and your commitment
  • Those who have not finished their blog's main page, please do so immediately.  Remember you need to put both traditional and simplified version.
  • Tonight's homework: Answer the following questions in Chinese (questions 1-5 are about dialogue 1). You may either hand copy the questions or print it out.
  • 1. 为什么小高的肚子越来越大?
  • 2. 王朋说肚子怎么可以小一点儿?
  • 3. 小高为什么说跑步很难受?
  • 4. 小高为什么不想打网球?
  • 5. 小高为什么说打篮球很麻烦?
  • 6. 你平常喜欢什么运动?
  • 7. 你喜欢游泳吗?为什么?
  • 8. 你觉得什么运动最简单?什么运动最麻烦?为什么?
1. Read L18 Dialogue.  Practice several times reading out loud.  Record (go to
"Speaking Assignment" on my webiste)  Speak with correct tones.  Your grades
depend on you having the correct tones.
2. Finish your blog. 
(go through your old handouts and notes to see what you are capable of.  your
blog represent the best your can do.)
3. 複習第十八課對話一語法。(review L18 part 1 patterns/grammar)