星期一,10/29 (B) No School

星期二,10/30 (C) No School

星期三,10/31 (D) Mandarin 4 drop. keep in mind, however, you have vocab quiz tomorrow.  also, Honors translation was due Tuesday which I will collect tomorrow)
No speaking assignment this week.

星期四,11/1 (E)
Read the dialogue. do workbook pg 40 - 42 (II A.B, III A.B.C.D)

星期五,11/2 (F)
Do workbook pg 43 - 46 (III E.F.G.H.I)
Honors sentences due next Monday.

First Quarter ends one week from Monday.  Every student should look up their grades in Aspen to see if the postings are correct.  Speak to Wulaoshi ASAP if you need to make up any work.


Review L2 thoroughly.  Unit test tomorrow. (Speaking will be done in the lab on Thursday)
Hand in your workbook tomorrow.
New Honors Packet. (schedule: translation due 10/30, sentences due 11/5, exercise due 11/8, project specs to come)

星期三,10/24 Prepare for speaking test (L2).
Use the new phrases/patterns (恐怕,差不多,一般,道地,得很,比較,不怎麼樣...)in lesson 2 to answer questions such as:
1. How's the weather today?
2. How often do you go shopping?
3. How's the Chinese food in Darien?
4. How far is your house from school?
5. How have you been lately?
6. Would you like to go to a movie this weekend?

Study L3 vocab (#1 - #12), quiz tomorrow.

Study L3 vocab (#14 - #16), quiz Monday.
Speaking assignment: record 10 sentences using L3 new vocab.  Each sentence should be complete in meaning.

星期一, 10/15
We will be in the lab both today and tomorrow.  You should finish your writing of the presentation by end of today.  You will rehearse your presentation tomorrow.

星期二, 10/16
Finalize your presentation.  Rehearse.

星期三, 10/17
Review lesson 2.  Unit test next Tuesday.
No other homework today.

星期四, 10/18
Review L2 patterns.  (you will need to read textbook pages on your own!) Make 10 "very good" sentences using these words.  (We did not start Lesson 3 today, so there is no vocab quiz next Monday).
We will have unit test next Wednesday.

星期五, 10/19
Class does not meet today.

星期一,10/8  Columbus Day.  No School

  • There is one (relatively) big recording this week (instead of 3 small ones): see WB pg 35 (L) you will describe 2-3 rooms (e.g. your bedroom the living room, the dining room...) in your house using 有,是,and V+着. Be sure to mention the location, the layout of your room, whether it is quiet for study and convenient for shopping, and finally whether you like living there and why.
  • Honors exercise due Thursday, 10/11
  • Honors presentation due 10/17

Review patterns.
Do workbook pg 31 - 32 (F.G)

Review patterns. Do workbook pg 33 - 34 (H.I.)

Review patterns. Do workbook pg 34 - 35 (J. K.)
Unit test next Thursday