Honors Assignment: Fri, 3/16 translation due. 
                              Fri, 3/23 sentences due.  quiz, Mon, 3/26 composition draft due
                              Thurs, 3/29 final writing due
星期一, 3/12 Thoroughly review lesson 3.  Unit test Wednesday.
                    Study new vocab (Lesson 4, #1 - #10) quiz tomorrow.

星期二, 3/13 Study for unit test tomorrow.  (include speaking)

星期三, 3/14 Study L4 new vocab (#11 - #20), quiz tomorrow.
                    Make 10 sentences (at least 5 are compound sentences).  due Friday.

星期四, 3/15 Study L4 new vocab (#21 - #35), quiz tomorrow.  Sentences due Monday.
                    Honors: go over translation tomorrow.  Translation (typed) due next Monday)

星期五, 3/16
                    Read L4 dialogue.  10 sentences (at least 5 are compound sentences) using L4 vocab - due
The following becomes next Monday's homework (due Tuesday)
Write out 10 questions - in English and Chinese - you can ask regarding 
                    this dialogue.  (for example:                  
                    Why did Zhang Tianming go shopping for clothes?  Whom did he go with?  etc.)

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