Review textbook pg 139 - 144.  Translate the following sentences into Chinese using words in parenthesis.  Please hand write your sentences (warning: do not use internet to translate the sentences.  reading the textbook pages will help)
1. He has not eaten for three days, he is starving. (死)
2. I drank three cups of coffee this morning. (次)
3. I went to the office once this morning. (次)
4. I called him three times yesterday. (次)
5. As soon as he got home yesterday, he began looking for his dog. (起來)
6. I can't go to school today because I am sick.  Please give my homework to the teacher. (把)
7. Mom says: finish up your homework before you go out. (把)
8. You wrote this character incorrectly. (把)
9. Take this medication three times a day, 2 tablets each time, after meal. (次)

Class does not meet today.

Answer the questions on textbook pg 148-149.  Then translate the narrative on textbook pg 149.
Unit text next Monday (no speaking)

Review L15_1.  The patterns is a little bit more difficult in this unit.  Make sure you read the examples in your textbook several times and understand the structure.  No additional homework

Unit test Monday
Please hand in blue pattern sheet and workbook next Monday.

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