星期一,9/17  Rosh Hashanah.  No School.

Honors received new packet today.  Please keep track of due date for assignments
Review L13 part 1.  Do workbook pg 52 - 53 (IV C.D)
Study L13_2 vocabulary.  Copy and memorize. Recognition quiz (#1 - #12) tomorrow.

Study L13_2 vocabulary.  Copy and memorize. Recognition quiz (#1 - #24) tomorrow.
Bring workbook to school tomorrow.  We will use it in the lab.

Recording Assignment:  Use the new vocabulary to make 12 sentences.  (at least 8 of these sentences should be compound sentences)  Record your sentences using the recording box in "Speaking Assignment" section.  Due Mon.

Copy and memorize L13_2 vocab.  Quiz Monday (recognition + writing)

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