1. Be sure you are doing character writing (on grid paper) as you have been doing.
2. Pattern worksheet (blue) was handed out at end of class.  For patterns #1 - #5, you are to do the following:
a. write a simple explanation in English how this pattern work.  (you can find information on your textbook page 62 - page 67)
b. make two sentences of your own for each pattern.  Again, if you can't come up with your own sentences, or if you don't know if your sentences are correct, you may use the sentences in your textbook and change a few things to create your own.  Be sure to write in characters as much as you can.  You may write either in traditional or in simplified.
3. Unit test (lesson 14 part 1) this Friday.  Honors students will have additional questions related to your honors assignment.

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