Mon, 1/28
Class didn't meet today due to weather.

Tue, 1/29Study and practice song you learned in class today.  You are expected to know and explain the song by end of week.
3H: write the narrative (20 sentences)
3Regular: write the questions of the mid-year exam speaking questions and record the answer (use the box on my website)  Be sure to find the correct answer and practice your speaking before you record.
3H & 3 Regular: practice song Wang Leehom Chai Mi You Yan Jiang Cu Cha (see end of this posting)

Wed, 1/30Tue, 1/29Study and practice song you learned in class today.  You are expected to know and explain the song by end of week.
Study L16_1 new vocab, quiz tomorrow (#1 - #11)
Study textbook pg 165 - 168, quiz Friday

Thurs, 1/31
Class does not meet today

Fri, 2/1
Review L16_1 dialogue.  You will have to recite and explain this dialogue in class next Monday.
Study Textbook pg 165 - 168. 
Review & practice the song

Honors start reading next chapter of the story.  Scheduled assignment due dates to be announced next Monday

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