复习第十四课生词 (#1 - #10).  明天生词小考.
Review location words (textbook page 62)
Preview L14 dialogue 1.
1. Study words for directions (look up textbook page 62 + your class nates). 

Honors: your first assignment is due tomorrow.  If you hand in your assignment on the due date, you are not allowed to make revisions.  I will not remind you when your work is due from now on.
1. Finish what you were doing in the language lab.  (Lesson 11)  Prepare a vocab list of traditional vs. simplified.  Be ready for a quiz tomorrow.
2. Start construct your blog.  You will need to put in a "main" page and a "project" page.  Write a self-introduction for your "main" page in Chinese (both traditional and simplified).  Upload at least one picture (not your own, but a picture that shows your hobbies).  Your intro should talk about yourself (Chinese name, age, grade, your family, your school, your likes and dislikes.  Write something that reflect the best of your Chinese.  This is due by end of Friday.

Review lesson 1 - lesson 12.
1. Do voice thread speaking assignment (go to "speaking" section of this blog).  Be sure to have a draft before you start recording.  You may record several times and keep the one that best represent your work.  Due Monday 9/12
2. Go to "Feedback/Evaluation" on my blog and find "Evaluation".  Fill out "Self-Evaluation" form

Honors Assignment: download link
複習第九課和第十課(生詞和語法)。(Use either quizlet or yellowbridge flashcards to review vocabulary.  Use pattern-handout from last year to review patterns)
****Honors agreement is due tomorrow.
You will review lessons 7 and 8.  Please start by reviewing the vocabulary.  You may use Quizlet or Yellowbridge to review vocabulary.  We will have a recognition quiz Tuesday.
Also, you will do a speaking recording assignment over this weekend (go to Speaking tab in this blog)
我希望你跟我一樣高興,學校終於(zhōngyú finally)開學了!
Please refer to the previous blog post (immediately below this post, dated 8/29) to find your first assignment. Do not put off this work.  Mandarin 3 will be fast paced.  We will be using these tools immediately.