Review textbook pg 242 - 246
Do workbook pg 161 - 162 (IV E).

Review patterns.  Fill out blue pattern sheet
Do workbook pg 162-163 (IV F.G)

Watch this segment of a Beijing Opera and write a one-page report (double spaced).  Address the following questions:
1. What is the background of this woman (young/old, rich/poor, vivacious/active/quiet) back up your statement with concrete evidence (from her clothes, her gestures).
2. List at least 5 actions she had performed without props (for example she probably opened a door and stepped outside)
Project due Friday.

Class does not meet today.

Recording: make 2 sentences each for L9 patterns (both part 1 and part 2) and record your sentences
Unit test (Lesson 9) next Tuesday (include speaking)

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