星期一,10/29 (B)  No School

星期二,10/30 (C)  No School

星期三,10/31 (D)
Copy and memorize L9_1 vocab (colors and monetary unit).  Quiz tomorrow

星期四,11/1 (E)
Copy and memorize L9_1 vocab (1 - 10), quiz tomorrow

星期五,11/2 (F)
Copy and memorize L9_1 vocab (11 - 20), quiz Monday.
Recording assignment: (details to come)
First Quarter ends one week from Monday.  Every student should look up their grades in Aspen to see if the postings are correct.  Speak to Wulaoshi ASAP if you need to make up any work.

Do workbook pg 144 (E. F 1-3)
Review L8 speaking.

Do workbook pg 144 - 145 (F 4 -6, G)

Do workbook pg 146 (H)
Review L8_2 thoroughly (text, grammar, patterns).  Unit test Friday.  Please hand in your workbook, patterns, character practice sheet.

星期四,10/25  Class drop.

Preview L9_1 vocab.  Quiz (recognition by sound only next Monday)

星期一,10/15  Drop.  We have unit test (L8_1) tomorrow.  Hand in workbook, character, and pattern sheet.

Copy and memorize L8_2 vocab.  Quiz (writing & recognition) tomorrow.  Remember you may use Quizlet or other online flashcard to help you review.  As always, the old-fashioned hand-hand flashcards are still the best.

Recite L8_2 text several times.
Do workbook pg 139 - 140 (II A, III A.)
Also make 20 sentences using L8_2 vocab.  Due Friday.  (please hand-write these sentences, must show effort)

Do workbook pg 140 - 141 (III B.C).  Sentences due tomorrow.
(if you didn't do your recording assignment last weekend, you may make up the work tonight)

星期五, 10/19
Review L8_2 patterns.  Do workbook pg 141 - 143 (IV A.B.C.D)

星期一,10/8  Columbus Day.  No School

Review patterns.  Do workbook pg 135 (IV D)

Review patterns.  Do workbook pg 135 - 136 (IV E.F)

Study L8_2 vocab.  Quiz (recognition) tomorrow. (You may use Quizlet to help you study vocab)

Speaking Assignment: talk about one day of your weekday schedule.  Be sure to include the new vocabulary you learned in Lesson 8 part 1.
Unit test (L8_1) next Tuesday.  (please hand in workbook, character practice, and pattern sheet)