_星期一 12/5  Copy and memorize L9_2 vocab.  Quiz tomorrow (#1 - #5).
                   Finish pattern sheet (be sure to write down explanation and include your own sentences)

星期二 12/6 Project instructions.
                  Study for unit test Thursday (L9_1)  Please hand in character, patterns, and workbook.

星期三 12/7 Drop.

星期四 12/8 Copy and memorize L9_1 vocab (#6 - 10), vocab quiz tomorrow.

星期五 12/9 Recite L9 dialogue 2 several times.
                  Do workbook pg 133 (IIA) and 134 (IIIA)
                  Recording: record dialogue 2 and workbook pg 133 IIA.  (go to "speaking assignment")

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